Yesterday, North and South Iredell High Schools witnessed what continued investment in our public schools looks like.
Local state officials, Board of Education representatives, County Commissioners, and other featured guests joined Iredell-Statesville Schools and Our Schools First yesterday to break ground on two visual and performing arts centers at North and South Iredell High Schools.
The new facilities, which will replace or supplement original, 1960s-era buildings at both campuses, were part of the successful Education Bond Referendum passed by a majority of voters in the November 2014 election.
Construction is set to begin on both of the 35,000 square foot facilities within the week, according to Rob Jackson, Director of Construction for Iredell-Statesville Schools. Both buildings share a similar design, housing classrooms, 700-seat auditoriums, and dramatically improved rehearsal halls for music programs at North and South.
Performing arts programs at both schools have shown increased interest–and growing enrollments. The marching band at South Iredell, for example, has doubled in size in the past eight years, director Jill Parker told
I-SS Superintendent Brady Johnson told the crowd he wanted to “thank the county commissioners for having the vision and courage to put this referendum on the ballot, Our Schools First for helping get information out there, and taxpayers for all of their confidence in our schools.”
Construction will take about 14 months, with a planned opening in January 2018.

Groundbreaking ceremonies at North Iredell High School.

Groundbreaking ceremonies at South Iredell High School.

NC Rep. John Fraley (District 95) speaks at the NIHS groundbreaking.

OS1 President Beth Packman speaks at the SIHS groundbreaking. Photo by

It was a beautiful day to start construction at SIHS. Photo by