Our Schools First Mourns the Loss of Frank Rader, Mac Herring
The Our Schools First committee was devastated to learn of the passing of board members Frank Rader and Mac Herring this past week. Both Frank and Mac were instrumental in OSF’s campaign for the Iredell Education bond referendum in November 2014.
Iredell-Statesville Schools Superintendent Brady Johnson shared these words with our group, which we have published below.
Advocates for Children will be Missed
Like many in the community, I was shocked and saddened to learn of the passing of Frank Rader and Mac Herring this week. My initial thought, upon learning of their passing, was that the children of our community had lost two of their staunchest advocates.
I had the pleasure of working with Frank and Mac on the bond referendum last fall. Both of these gentlemen were committed to the cause of public education. They fully understood the value of education and its impact on economic development, as well as, quality of life for all citizens. During that campaign, I observed their leadership styles and learned a great deal from both of them. They were positive men. They chose to engage the community with a spirit of collaboration and the idea that our diverse community could come together and support a cause that served the common good. They understood the idea that we can get more done by working together. They confronted false information with facts and refused to go negative. These progressive leaders modeled political courage, civility, and statesmanship.
Thanks to their tireless efforts and extraordinary leadership, tens of thousands of children in our community will benefit, for generations to come, from the improved facilities and new schools for which they so valiantly campaigned. I hope there will be more Franks and Macs out there that will rise up to fill the leadership void that was left by these champions for children.
Brady Johnson
Superintendent, Iredell-Statesville Schools